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Leuke test door EVO


Aanbevolen berichten

Van het Engelse forum;

EVO landed on the door mat this morning, was hoping that this would be the issue with the 1-series test that Nathan had mentioned his car was to appear in and it is!!

I can only discribe the article as Salvation, after years of the MCoupe getting so so reviews from EVO and the peer group, they then put it as the winner of the group test. 4.5 stars and described as "power oversteer is wonderfully accessible and is allied to decent steering and powerfull brakes. It's a compelling package, made all the more enticing by the secondhand price."

It beat the new One series, the E30 M3, the E36 M3, 840Ci and Alpina B10.

EVO concludes with: "The M Coupe still looks, fells and drives like it was launched last week. It's reliable and comparatively easy to find and is evo to the core - it packs a 321bhp punch, is rewarding to drive, and for that extra touch of contemporary BMW-ness it even has controvesial styling. It is, in short, the ultimate One-upmanship"

They reckon most great artists are not recognised untill after there death... looks like the MC is well on the road to cult status.

Depreciation - Appreciation more like!

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