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Z3 M Roadster & Coupe analogue clocks - not working?


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How many members here own Z3 M roadsters or Coupe cars fitted with the VDO analogue clock...and it has problems keeping time correctly or not working ? If anyone has this problem, has had a look for a replacement and been shocked at the price of a new VDO clock...I have found the answer to the problem... Fit a brand new VDO clock for around Eu.30.00. These are genuine VDO analogue clocks which are the identical units as fitted in the M cars... with 2 small differences... 1st. They have a white dial face... and 2nd. They have a black bezel....

The cure.... remove the chrome bezel and the black dial face from your original clock and transfer them to the brand new unit. Removing the chrome bezel is fairly easily done using a tea spoon with the tip sharpened to get access between the bezel and the plastic body of the clock. Work your way around levering the bezel away for about 1/3 of the circumference, then slip a thin blade uner it and the clock body and gently lever it off... once off, lift out the perspex glass and pull the 2 clock hands directly away off the thin shaft. Lift out the mechanism and remove the black face....

Do the same on the new unit and replace the face and chrome bezel to it... use the spoon to push the lifted area of the chrome bezel back down.... job done.....

Now here is the link to buy the brand new VDO clocks ..... Those of you who have removed their clocks will recognise instantly the identical clock... with the exceptions I have described. I bought one of these and replaced my clock today... the bezel and dial face transplant took me about 10 minutes.. :clapping:

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